Heart & Stroke Spring 2022 Lottery Grand Prize #3 winner Norma Smith

A big win for a warm heart. A big win for a warm heart.

Spring 2022 – Grand Prize #3 Winner - $90,000 Norma Smith, Pickering

After years of supporting many worthy causes, the only prizes 82-year-old Norma Smith has ever won are a camera and a set of luggage. Taking a nap when the call from Heart & Stroke Lottery came in, she says: “When I saw “H & S” it didn’t ring a bell, so I didn’t pick up. When the phone rang the next day, the message said there was good news. I thought: ‘Oh, it’s probably just another set of luggage. I never thought it would be anything this big!’”

The choice between a 2022 Audi Q4 Sportback e-tron Technik, 2022 Mercedes GLE 45 or $90,000 cash was easy: “What would I do with a Mercedes Benz? I was thinking of all the ways I could help my family. I have one granddaughter on a soccer scholarship in Georgia, another away at university, a grandson who competes in equestrian and volleyball sports, and a special needs daughter who requires care.“

Beyond tuition, travel expenses, and ongoing care, Norma plans to visit friends and relatives in Jamaica when the pandemic settles. She’s passionate about her decision to support the Heart & Stroke Lottery: “My husband’s father passed from a heart attack, and his brothers from stroke. I’m helping Heart & Stroke help others, and now, I’m able to do the same for my family, who mean the world to me.”

I’m helping Heart & Stroke help others, and now, I’m able to do the same for my family
Norma Smith - Spring 2022 Winner